Christopher Millard's Story

The name of the organization came from an essay Christopher wrote shortly before his death, entitled “The Four Diamonds.”
The knight in Chris Millard’s story had to find the Four Diamonds of Courage, Wisdom, Honesty, and Strength in order to defeat an evil sorceress. These four attributes were the traits Christopher felt he needed to overcome his battle with cancer.
Four Diamonds teen Marcus wants to thank the thousands of Mini-THON students who are helping kids like him conquer childhood cancer.
Four Diamonds child Colin and his mom, Jenn share what Four Diamonds means to them and how it impacted Colin's care. Thanks to the efforts of Mini-THON, families like the Kratzer's could focus on overcoming their disease.
Four Diamonds child Devin and her little brother Trevor thank Mini-THON® for their support and bringing fun into their lives.
At the 2020 Virtual Mini-THON Leadership Summit, Co-Founders of Four Diamonds Charles and Irma Millard thanked Mini-THON for their continued support and for keeping Chris's dreams alive.
Four Diamonds teen Gabby is so thankful for Four Diamonds supporters like you fighting alongside her. Your support ensures that Gabby's family never sees a medical bill for her cancer care, and Four Diamonds will be there to ensure she remains healthy for years to come.
Four Diamonds child Theresa shares her appreciation of the Penn State Children's Hospital staff and recognizes all the Partners In The Fight™ that allow her to have her life back.