Intention 386



Our intention creates our reality.  
-Wayne Dyer

Research shows 80% of New Year's resolutions are broken and don't stick past the end of January. So, what can we do? Instead of setting resolutions, I now set intentions. What's the difference? A resolution is a goal, which is about doing. An intention is about being – about how I want to feel as I go through all of the activities of my day.

For example, I could set an intention to face each day from a sense of peacefulness, or a sense of gratitude. Or I could set an intention to bring curiosity with me everywhere, or to strive to be purposeful, loving, kind, or focused. The choice of the intention is ours alone. There is no wrong choice, only the one that feels right for us at this moment.

Once we set our intention, it requires our attention. Our intention won’t magically appear in our daily lives – we have to bring it. My friend Leanne has an easy-to-remember shorthand for this: AIR = attention + intention + repetition. Paying attention, setting our intention, and then repeatedly paying attention to our intention helps us create a new habit. And a new habit is something that can stick with us longer than a resolution!

What is an intention you would like to set for yourself for the year? How can your intention positively impact your life? How can it positively impact the ways you support Four Diamonds?
Feel free to discuss below.
Blog Moving Forward with Purpose 01/06/2021 9:40pm EST
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